서가번호 | 등록번호 | 청구기호 | 소장처 | 대출가능여부 | 대출정보 | |
0008434 | 310 통14ㄱ v.2002 | 농림축산식품부 자료실 | 대출가능 |
* 대출중인 자료에 한하여 예약이 가능합니다. 예약을 원하시면 예약버튼을 클릭하십시오.
008060725s2002 tjka 000a korBK
056 ▼a310▼23
090 ▼a310▼b통14ㄱ
110 ▼a통계청
24500▼aOECD국가의 주요통계지표▼d통계청 [편]▼n2002
260 ▼a대전▼b통계청▼c2002
300 ▼a120 p.▼b삽도▼c26 cm
50010▼a권말부록으로 "용어해설", "OECD 개요" 수록
9501 ▼a가격불명
제1편 해설편(Explanation) = 5
1. 국토·인구(Land & Population) = 7
2. 노동(Labour) = 10
3. 제조업(Manufacturing) = 11
4. 물가(Prices) = 14
5. 무역·외환(Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange) = 15
6. 국민계정(National Accounts) = 19
7. 통신(Communications) = 21
8. 사회(Society) = 24
9. 에너지(Energy) = 25
10. 환경(Environment) = 28
제2편 통계표(Tables) = 29
Ⅰ. 국토·인구(Land & Population) = 31
1. 국토면적(Surface Area) = 31
2. 장래인구(Population Prospects) = 32
3. 부양비 및 노령화지수(Dependency Ratios & Index of Ageing) = 33
4. 인구동태 및 밀도(Vital Statistics Summary & Density) = 34
5. 출생아수 및 출생성비(Live Births and Sex Ratio) = 35
6. 영아사망률(Infant Mortality Rates) = 36
7. 평균수명(Life Expectancy) = 37
Ⅱ. 노동·임금(Labor & Wages) = 39
1. 경제활동인구 및 참가율(Economically Active Population & Activity Rate) = 39
2. 연령별 경제활동인구(Economically Active Population by Age) = 40
3. 산업별 취업자(Employed Persons by Industry) = 41
4. 실업률(Unemployment Rates) = 44
5. 제조업 주당 평균근로시간(Hours of Work per Week in Manufacturing) = 45
6. 제조업 평균임금(Average Wages in Manufacturing) = 46
Ⅲ. 농림업(Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery) = 47
1. 농가인구 및 농업종사자(Agricultural Population & Economically Active Population in Agriculture) = 47
2. 농업 및 식량 생산지수(Agricultural & Food Production Indices) = 48
3. 쌀 및 밀 생산량(Production of Rice & Wheat) = 49
4. 쇠고기 및 돼지고기 생산량(Production of Beef and Veal & Pigmeat) = 50
5. 원목생산량 및 수산물 어획량(Roundwood Production & Nominal Catches) = 51
Ⅳ. 광업·제조업(Mining & Manufacturing) = 52
1. 산업생산지수(Industrial Production Indices) = 52
2. 선철 및 조강 생산량(Pig Iron & Crude Steel Production) = 53
3. 자동차 생산량(Production of Motor Vehicles) = 54
4. 선박 건조량(Ship Completions) = 55
5. 전자제품(Electronic Merchandise) = 56
Ⅴ. 물가·통화·재정(Prices, Money & Government Finance) = 57
1. 소비자 물가지수(Consumer Price Indices) = 57
2. 생산자 물가지수(Producer Price Indices) = 58
3. 통화(M1, M2) 잔고증가율(Change Rates of Outstanding M1 & M2) = 59
4. 예금 및 대출금리(Deposit & Lending Rates) = 60
5. 공정할인율(Central Bank Discount Rates) = 61
6. 단기 및 장기이자율(Short-term & Long-term Interest Rates) = 62
7. 재정(Government Finance) = 63
Ⅵ. 무역·국제수지·외환(Foreign Trade, Balance of Payments & Foreign Exchange) = 64
1. 수출 및 수입(Export & Imports) = 64
2. 국제수지(Balance of Payments) = 65
3. 무역의존도(Trade Dependency Rates) = 66
4. 외환보유액(Foreign Exchange Holdings) = 67
5. 환율(Exchange Rates) = 68
Ⅶ. 국민계정(National Accounts) = 69
1. 국내총생산(당해년가격)(Gross Domestic Product(Current Prices)) = 69
2. 국민총소득(당해년가격)(Gross National Income(Current Prices)) = 70
3. 경제성장률(기준년가격 GDP기준)(GDP Growth Rates(Constant Prices)) = 71
4. 경제활동별 국내총생산 구성비(당해년가격)(GDP Composition bt Kind of Economic Activity(Current Prices) = 72
5. 지출항목별 국내총 생산(당해년가격)(GDP by Type of Expenditure(Current Prices)) = 73
6. 국내총생산대비 저축률(당해년가격 기준)(Saving as Percent of GDP(Current Prices)) = 74
Ⅷ. 운수·통신·관광(Transportation, Communications & Tourism) = 75
1. 도로(Roads) = 75
2. 자동차보유(Motor Vehicles in Use) = 76
3. 철도수송(Railway Transport) = 77
4. 민간정기항공수송(Civil Aviation on Scheduled Services) = 78
5. 이동전화 가입자수(Mobile Telephone Subscribers) = 79
6. 개인컴퓨터(Personal Computer in Use) = 80
7. 인터넷(Internet) = 81
8. 외래방문객 및 국외여행객(International Inbound Tourists and Outbound Tourists) = 82
9. 해외관광수입 및 관광지출(International Tourism Receipts and Expenditures) = 83
Ⅸ. 교육·연구개발(Education, Research & Development) = 84
1. 교육(Education) = 84
2. 연구개발종사자수 및 연구 개발비(Personnel Engaged in R&D and Expenditure for R&D) = 85
Ⅹ. 보건·사회·문화(Health, Society & Culture) = 86
1. 보건서비스(Health Services) = 86
2. 보건지출비(Health Expenditure) = 87
3. 도로교통사고(Road Accidents) = 88
4. 도서발행실적(Publication) = 89
5. 일간신문(Daily Newspapers) = 90
6. 영화(Films) = 91
XI. 에너지·환경(Energy & Environment) = 92
1. 1차에너지원별 총소비량(Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel) = 92
2. 1차에너지원별 1인당소비량(Primary Energy Consumption per Capita by Fuel) = 93
3. 석탄생산량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Coal) = 94
4. 석유생산량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Oil) = 95
5. 천연가스생산량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Natural Gas) = 96
6. 전기발전량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Electricity) = 97
7. CO₂배출량(CO₂Emissions from Fuel Combustion) = 98
부록(Appendix) = 99
Ⅰ. 용어해설(Explanation of Terms) = 101
Ⅱ. OECD 개요(Outline of OECD) = 110
1. 국토·인구(Land & Population) = 7
2. 노동(Labour) = 10
3. 제조업(Manufacturing) = 11
4. 물가(Prices) = 14
5. 무역·외환(Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange) = 15
6. 국민계정(National Accounts) = 19
7. 통신(Communications) = 21
8. 사회(Society) = 24
9. 에너지(Energy) = 25
10. 환경(Environment) = 28
제2편 통계표(Tables) = 29
Ⅰ. 국토·인구(Land & Population) = 31
1. 국토면적(Surface Area) = 31
2. 장래인구(Population Prospects) = 32
3. 부양비 및 노령화지수(Dependency Ratios & Index of Ageing) = 33
4. 인구동태 및 밀도(Vital Statistics Summary & Density) = 34
5. 출생아수 및 출생성비(Live Births and Sex Ratio) = 35
6. 영아사망률(Infant Mortality Rates) = 36
7. 평균수명(Life Expectancy) = 37
Ⅱ. 노동·임금(Labor & Wages) = 39
1. 경제활동인구 및 참가율(Economically Active Population & Activity Rate) = 39
2. 연령별 경제활동인구(Economically Active Population by Age) = 40
3. 산업별 취업자(Employed Persons by Industry) = 41
4. 실업률(Unemployment Rates) = 44
5. 제조업 주당 평균근로시간(Hours of Work per Week in Manufacturing) = 45
6. 제조업 평균임금(Average Wages in Manufacturing) = 46
Ⅲ. 농림업(Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery) = 47
1. 농가인구 및 농업종사자(Agricultural Population & Economically Active Population in Agriculture) = 47
2. 농업 및 식량 생산지수(Agricultural & Food Production Indices) = 48
3. 쌀 및 밀 생산량(Production of Rice & Wheat) = 49
4. 쇠고기 및 돼지고기 생산량(Production of Beef and Veal & Pigmeat) = 50
5. 원목생산량 및 수산물 어획량(Roundwood Production & Nominal Catches) = 51
Ⅳ. 광업·제조업(Mining & Manufacturing) = 52
1. 산업생산지수(Industrial Production Indices) = 52
2. 선철 및 조강 생산량(Pig Iron & Crude Steel Production) = 53
3. 자동차 생산량(Production of Motor Vehicles) = 54
4. 선박 건조량(Ship Completions) = 55
5. 전자제품(Electronic Merchandise) = 56
Ⅴ. 물가·통화·재정(Prices, Money & Government Finance) = 57
1. 소비자 물가지수(Consumer Price Indices) = 57
2. 생산자 물가지수(Producer Price Indices) = 58
3. 통화(M1, M2) 잔고증가율(Change Rates of Outstanding M1 & M2) = 59
4. 예금 및 대출금리(Deposit & Lending Rates) = 60
5. 공정할인율(Central Bank Discount Rates) = 61
6. 단기 및 장기이자율(Short-term & Long-term Interest Rates) = 62
7. 재정(Government Finance) = 63
Ⅵ. 무역·국제수지·외환(Foreign Trade, Balance of Payments & Foreign Exchange) = 64
1. 수출 및 수입(Export & Imports) = 64
2. 국제수지(Balance of Payments) = 65
3. 무역의존도(Trade Dependency Rates) = 66
4. 외환보유액(Foreign Exchange Holdings) = 67
5. 환율(Exchange Rates) = 68
Ⅶ. 국민계정(National Accounts) = 69
1. 국내총생산(당해년가격)(Gross Domestic Product(Current Prices)) = 69
2. 국민총소득(당해년가격)(Gross National Income(Current Prices)) = 70
3. 경제성장률(기준년가격 GDP기준)(GDP Growth Rates(Constant Prices)) = 71
4. 경제활동별 국내총생산 구성비(당해년가격)(GDP Composition bt Kind of Economic Activity(Current Prices) = 72
5. 지출항목별 국내총 생산(당해년가격)(GDP by Type of Expenditure(Current Prices)) = 73
6. 국내총생산대비 저축률(당해년가격 기준)(Saving as Percent of GDP(Current Prices)) = 74
Ⅷ. 운수·통신·관광(Transportation, Communications & Tourism) = 75
1. 도로(Roads) = 75
2. 자동차보유(Motor Vehicles in Use) = 76
3. 철도수송(Railway Transport) = 77
4. 민간정기항공수송(Civil Aviation on Scheduled Services) = 78
5. 이동전화 가입자수(Mobile Telephone Subscribers) = 79
6. 개인컴퓨터(Personal Computer in Use) = 80
7. 인터넷(Internet) = 81
8. 외래방문객 및 국외여행객(International Inbound Tourists and Outbound Tourists) = 82
9. 해외관광수입 및 관광지출(International Tourism Receipts and Expenditures) = 83
Ⅸ. 교육·연구개발(Education, Research & Development) = 84
1. 교육(Education) = 84
2. 연구개발종사자수 및 연구 개발비(Personnel Engaged in R&D and Expenditure for R&D) = 85
Ⅹ. 보건·사회·문화(Health, Society & Culture) = 86
1. 보건서비스(Health Services) = 86
2. 보건지출비(Health Expenditure) = 87
3. 도로교통사고(Road Accidents) = 88
4. 도서발행실적(Publication) = 89
5. 일간신문(Daily Newspapers) = 90
6. 영화(Films) = 91
XI. 에너지·환경(Energy & Environment) = 92
1. 1차에너지원별 총소비량(Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel) = 92
2. 1차에너지원별 1인당소비량(Primary Energy Consumption per Capita by Fuel) = 93
3. 석탄생산량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Coal) = 94
4. 석유생산량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Oil) = 95
5. 천연가스생산량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Natural Gas) = 96
6. 전기발전량 및 소비량(Production & Consumption of Electricity) = 97
7. CO₂배출량(CO₂Emissions from Fuel Combustion) = 98
부록(Appendix) = 99
Ⅰ. 용어해설(Explanation of Terms) = 101
Ⅱ. OECD 개요(Outline of OECD) = 110